
1. Nerve Glides & Joint mobility drill 3 times

2. I phase

3. Kettlebell

One Handed Swing (24 kg) 30 reps warm up

C & P Ladder (16 kg) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) x 5 sets

#1 drill makes my upper back looser. However, my left side press is not good.

Front part of deltoid is tight.


  1. Hi,

    Work foot flexion and extension waves in your peroneal glide position.
    Then do ankle circles in the peroneal glide position.
    Then work hip circles. Make sure to keep internal rotation.
    Finally standing work middle, outside toe pulls and lateral ankle tilts.

    I'm giving you a call now!

  2. Thanks for your advice!
    I will practice them.
