
1. Joint mobility
2. Nerve Glides (lower body)
3. Own weight training
Pistol holding Kettlebell (8 kg) 10/10, 7/7, 5/5, 5/5 reps
One arm push up (working hand was on the chair) 5/5 reps x 3 sets
Pull ups total 50 reps

Photo: Museum of Science, Boston, MA, USA


1. Nerve Glides
2. I phase
3. Kettlebell
TGU (32) 5/5 reps x 5 sets
*Left side is harder. Keep lats tight during all movement
Double front squat (24, 24) 10 reps x 5 sets
*Shoulders could be down. It became easier.

Photo: Museum of Science, Boston, MA, USA


1. Nerve Glides
2. I phase
3. Visual Work
4. Kettlebell
Military Press (16) 10/10 reps x 10 sets
* Left shoulder movement was not complete.

Pull ups total 50 reps

Photo: Museum of Science, Boston, MA


Morning (Group session)
1. Joint mobility work
2. Practice of overhead SQ
*Do thoracic mobility work more.

1. Joint mobility work
2. I phase
3. practice of overhead squat
4. Pull ups total 40 reps
5. One arm push up (one hand on the chair) 4/4 reps x 4 sets

Photo: Museum of Science, Boston, MA, USA


1. Nerve Glides
2. I phase
3. Kettlebell
One Handed Swing (24) 15 sec on/off x 60 sets (All 9 reps)
Pull ups total 50 reps

Photo: Museum of Science, Boston, MA, USA


1. Nerve Glides
2. I phase
3. Calf raises 10-10-10 (3 directions) x 3 sets
4. Kettlebell
Deadlifts (24 x 2) 10 reps x 3 sets
Double Swing (16 x 2) 10 reps x 3 sets
Double Swing (24 x 2) 15 reps x 10 sets

Photo: "Marchen hill", Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan


1. Nerve Glides
2. Joint mobility work
3. Practice of Overhead Squat
4. Kettlebell
Double Front SQ (24 x 2) 10 reps x 5 sets

Photo: Sunset in Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan


1. Nerve Glides
2. I phase
3. Kettlebell
TGU (32) 5/5 reps x 4 sets...I was tired. I couldn't do 5 sets.
4. Own Weight training
One arm push ups (with working hand on the chair) 3/3 reps x 5 sets
Pull ups

Photo: "Futatsu-Iwa (two rocks)"Abashiri, Japan


1. Nerve Glides (Median, Radial, Ulnar, Musculocutaneous, Axillary, Suprascapular, Peroneal, Tibial, Sural)
2. Joint mobility work
3. Practice of Overhead Squat (8 kg single or 8 kg x 2)
4. Pull ups total 50 reps

Photo: "Taiheiyo-Ferry" (from Sendai to Tomakomai), Japan


1. Nerve glides
2. I phase
3. Kettlebell
Calf raises 10-10-10 reps x 3 sets
One arm deadlifts (32) 10/10 reps x 3 sets
One handed swing (32) 15/15 reps x 5 sets, 10/10 reps x 2 sets
Windmill (24) 5/5 reps x 5 sets
Pull ups total 50 reps

Photo: Kokeshi Museum, Naruko, Japan