Training 073011

1. I phase
2. Nerve Glides
3. Visual Work
4. Kettlebell work
Double suitcase deadlifts (24 kg x 2) 20 reps x 3 sets
Double Deadlifts with swing stance (24 kg x 2) 20 reps x 3 sets
Double Swing (24 kg x 2) 10-15 reps x more than 10 sets

Swing = Deadlifts + Hike pass.
Use hip more.

Training 072911

1. I phase

2. Nerve Glides

3. Balance work

4. Visual Work

5. Kettlebell Work

Practice of Double Jerk using 16 kg x2 and 24 kg x 2.

I didn't mind reps or sets. Important thing is doing correctly. Don't push yourself too much.

Photo: Jonathan Papelbon, a baseball pitcher with Boston Red Sox

Training 072811

1. I-phase
2. Nerve Glides
3. Visual Work (Pencil circle & push up)
4. Balance Work
5. Kettlebell Work
MVO2 15:15 8 reps x 60 sets
20 kg snatch
6. Neural Warm Up 2

Upper body nerve glides is helpful for grip.

Photo: Ichiro at Fenway Park

RKC II certification workshop (July 8-10)

I passed all tests of RKC II.
However, my skill of kettlebell (KB) work is not perfect yet. I need improve my skill.

I need practice following points.

1. Double KB work: my double swing was not good. I need use hip movement more.

2. TGU: sometimes my knee collapsed in.

3. New KB drill such as jerk and bentpress

For further training, I decided following principles.

  1. Do all KB work should be performed perfectly. Don't chase heavy weight or high reps unless I can do it perfectly

  2. Joint mobility (JM) work including R- & I- phase, nerve glides, and visual work should have higher priority than KB work. If I don't have time to do both JM work and KB work, do JM work.
